Physical Security Systems

Comprehensive security solutions to protect your assets and ensure workplace safety.

About The Service

Physical Security Systems

Fortifying Business Environments with Advanced Security

ACOM’s Physical Security Systems are engineered to provide comprehensive security coverage for your business facilities, safeguarding both physical and human assets against a range of threats. Our systems are designed not just to react to security breaches but to prevent them, providing a secure environment that supports the safety and productivity of your operations. By integrating cutting-edge technology and robust security measures, ACOM ensures that your premises are protected around the clock.

Enhancing Workplace Safety and Compliance

In today's regulatory environment, maintaining a safe workplace is not just a matter of security but also compliance. ACOM’s security solutions are developed with both factors in mind, delivering systems that not only protect but also ensure adherence to industry standards and regulations. From preventing unauthorized access to monitoring sensitive areas, our security systems play a crucial role in maintaining operational integrity and legal compliance.

Building a Scalable and Responsive Security Infrastructure

Understanding the dynamic nature of threats, ACOM designs security systems that are both scalable and adaptable. Whether your business is expanding its physical footprint or needs to upgrade security protocols to meet new challenges, our systems can scale accordingly. This adaptability ensures that as your business evolves, your security measures can develop in tandem, providing enduring protection without the need for constant overhauls.

Leveraging Technology for Proactive Security Management

At ACOM, we believe in leveraging technology not just to respond to incidents but to anticipate and prevent them. Our approach to physical security involves a strategic blend of technology and human oversight, creating a security infrastructure that is proactive, intelligent, and always on guard. This integration of advanced technologies enhances the efficacy of our security systems, ensuring that your business can thrive in a secure and controlled environment.

Fortifying Business Environments with Advanced Security

ACOM’s Physical Security Systems are engineered to provide comprehensive security coverage for your business facilities, safeguarding both physical and human assets against a range of threats. Our systems are designed not just to react to security breaches but to prevent them, providing a secure environment that supports the safety and productivity of your operations. By integrating cutting-edge technology and robust security measures, ACOM ensures that your premises are protected around the clock.

8 Key Reasons Why E-911 Compliance is Vitally Important

E-911 compliance is a series of laws that were passed regarding multi-line phone systems. In 2020, all new phone systems delivered had to be able to dial 911 directly without dialing any prefix. By 2021, All multi-line phone systems had to provide a dispatchable location for emergency services. Below is a quick breakdown of the laws passed and what you need to know about the requirements for compliance.

Emergency Response Accuracy

E-911 compliance mandates accurate and precise location information for emergency calls. This ensures that emergency responders can quickly locate individuals in need of assistance, reducing response times and potentially saving lives.

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Federal Fines Applicable

Failure to comply with the FCC’s E-911 regulations pertaining to emergency calling systems can result in a one-time fine up to $10,000 plus $500 a day fine until your organization is in compliance.

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Enhanced Communication

E-911 compliance facilitates clear and effective
communication between emergency dispatchers, first responders, and individuals in distress. This communication is essential for gathering vital information and providing appropriate assistance.

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Community Responsibility

Ensuring E-911 compliance demonstrates a commitment to the safety and well-being of employees, customers, and the community at large. It reflects responsible corporate citizenship and contributes to building a safer environment for everyone.

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Legal Requirements

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires
businesses and organizations to comply with E-911 standards. Non-compliance can result in legal consequences, fines, and reputational damage.

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Public Safety

Providing accurate location data ensures that emergency
services can be dispatched to the correct address and location promptly. This is especially critical in situations where every second counts, such as medical emergencies, fires, or criminal incidents.

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Liability Reduction

By complying with E-911 regulations, businesses and organizations mitigate liability risks associated with inadequate emergency response procedures. Demonstrating proactive measures to ensure compliance can also enhance organizational credibility and trust.

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Operational Efficiency

Accurate location data not only supports emergency
response efforts but also enhances operational efficiency within organizations. It allows for better resource allocation, crisis management, and overall emergency preparedness.

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Browse our set of features

Explore our comprehensive solutions designed to enhance and secure your business operations.


Security Camera Systems

Deploy state-of-the-art cameras that deliver high-resolution footage for security monitoring and evidence gathering.


Access Control

Implement sophisticated systems that restrict entry to authorized individuals, enhancing security protocols.


Door, Window, and Motion Alarms

Install comprehensive alarm systems that detect and alert to any unauthorized access, protecting against potential breaches.


Vape Detectors

Utilize modern detectors to enforce no-smoking policies and ensure air quality within your facilities.


IP Speakers & Displays

Leverage network-connected speakers and displays for efficient communication and emergency response coordination.







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